
As per the Trade Marks Act, 1999 Trade mark means a mark, that is a device, brand, heading, label, ticket, name or an abbreviation of a name, signature, word, letter or numeral, shape of goods, packaging or combinations of colors or any combination thereof. It must be used or propose to be used in relation to goods or service, which are the subject of trade or manufacture.

Service mark

Service mark is a mark similar to a trademark but applies to services rather than goods. Examples for - Insurance, Banking, Consultancy, Credit Card, Hotel, Real Estate, Transport, Education, Communication, Financing, Chit Funds, Material Treatment, Processing, Supply of electrical or other Energy, Boarding, Lodging, Entertainment, Amusement, Construction, Repair, Conveying of News or information and advertising etc The duration of Trade mark and service mark is of 10 (Ten) years from the date of application, however it can be renewed after each 10 year by paying the renewal fees.      

Our Service

  • Advise on the selection of a trademark
  • Registration of a trademark (Domestic and International)
  • Maintenance of a trademark (periodical payment of renewal fees, change of ownership of the trademark,
  • Licensing
  • Legal advice on infringement of a trademark, passing off or unfair competition
  • Alternative dispute resolution (Arbitration, Mediation, Conciliation)
  • Litigation (infringement, passing off, unfair competition.)
  • Trademarks watch service (Screening the Indian Trademark Journal, notifying our clients of any similar trademarks when published together with our opinion on legal strategies to be followed.
Requirements  Name and address of the applicant.  Nature of the entity and nationality.  Date of first use of the mark.  Specimen of the mark.  Specification of goods / services in accordance with the international classification.  Duly executed power of attorney (no need of authentication).