A patent is a document issued by a patent office of a country (or a regional patent office acting for several countries) upon application which describes an invention and defines the boundary of the patented invention which can normally only be exploited(manufactured, used, sold or imported)with the authorization of the owner of patent.   Our service  
  • Preliminary advise on the patentability of an invention
  • Registration of a patent (Domestic and International)
  • Maintenance of a patent by paying annuities
  • Licensing
  • Legal advice on infringement of a patent
  • Alternative dispute resolution
  • Litigation in matters related to patents
  • Name, address and nationality of the applicant.
  • Name/s, address/es and nationality of the inventor/s.
  • Number and date of the patent application filed in home country and/or foreign countries.
  • Specification in English.
  • Duly executed power of attorney (no need of authentication).
  • A deed of assignment duly executed by the inventor/s, if the applicant/s is/are not the inventor/s, duly authenticated.
  • A certified copy of the original specification if convention priority is to be claimed.